Club Policies
Term Fees & Financial Policies
Please click below to open our latest Term Fees & Financial Policies document.
Updated 2024
Please note that we update our Terms and Conditions to allow us to reserve the right to employ the services of a Debt Collector if payment is not made, nor a payment plan entered into for a period of 2 months after due date of invoice. All costs associated with employing this Debt Collector will be added onto the original debt.
Updated September 2024
As advised in previous Newsletters, this is our procedure and policy for payments:
Invoices are emailed to members at the end of each term, for the following term. Invoices are due on the Friday before the new term starts.
We are more than happy to set up a payment plan, please contact admin after you receive your invoice, and you can arrange it with Viv.
A reminder will be emailed during the first week of term for any overdue accounts. If payment has not been made, or a payment plan in place by the Friday of week 1 of each term, a late payment admin fee of $10 will be applied to your account, to pay for the admin time it will now to take to personally chase your late account.
We will contact you via email and phone message or text in the second week of each term to make arrangements for payment or request that your gymnast(s) is not dropped off for further training (from week 3) until your account/payments are up to date.
Any missed payments need to be notified to admin in advance, or another stop training request will be made.
Please get in touch if there is an error with our invoices/statements. We can make mistakes and will happily fix them but need you to communicate with us. If payment has been made; please send through a screenshot of the payment so we can check it has been allocated correctly.
No children will be excluded in person from training, without the express involvement of senior committee members and parents/caregivers eg at the kerbside, after all attempts at other communication have been exhausted.
This policy was developed after consulting ‘stop training’ policies of other Gymnastics and recreational clubs to ensure all members are treated fairly and consistently.
Please refer any questions or concerns to
Safe Guarding Policies
Please click below to open our latest Safe Guarding Policies document