Our Classes

What type of gymnastics do we offer?

The majority of our classes focus on Recreational Gymnastics. We offer a range of options with varying focuses, from a main focus on fun (GymTricks), while all others include learning routines with the option to compete throughout the South Island in a relaxed recreational gymnastics environment, and we also offer classes (by invitation) to extend gymnasts further (Advanced Juniors and Seniors classes).

We also have a small highly succesful Competitive STEP Gymnastics programme - entry to this programme is by invitation, however enquiries to our Senior Coaching Team are welcome.

Additionally, we offer Trampolining Gymnastics, where gymnasts learn on the Full Size Trampoline and the Double Mini Trampoline (DMT). Many of our trampolinists enjoy competing locally, and we are very proud of our of our gymnasts earning the 2021 Canterbury Champion Trophy for Yellow Badge Women DMT.

Recreational Gymnastics

We offer a range of recreational gymnastics classes for all ages, abilities and levels.

Click on the headings below to find out more, or click HERE to register for a class

Sign up to West Melton Gymnastics Club